you said bye, i said buy, he said by
you said ewe, i said yew, he said you
you said 'c', i said sea, he said see
the dealer said two, too, to me!
Chapter One
No point in arguing about who said what: The purchase has been done, transaction completed, and we've bought the commodity that was sought! Twenty two thousand Roubles it cost us. Plus seventy five Roubles each, just to get in and examine their stock; granted that was worth it. Right! So let's hurry up and get home; thoroughly examine it, and use it shall we? We all agreed with one consent; and hurried off home with our new prized possession; our latest toy. That is, our luxury new pleasure slave.
We, that is, me, my two friends, Franco and Christiaan, had decided we should go to the premises of Bentley, Bence, Benson & Co. Ltd. 'Specialists in supplying the most perfect specimens of the choicest slaves only". They did not have a market or auction. They were dealers who scouted round various markets and places to obtain only the finest of the highest quality creatures. Prime examples of exhibition stock, their brochure stated. Their prices were phenomenal; but, as they said, if you are fussy, and nothing but the best is good enough and you demand the personification of the pinnacle of perfection, you must pay for it! Well, we three agreed we wanted a young, tender, soft slender smooth pleasure slave for the bedroom. If we could find what we were after, we would call it Arno. It was essential to have a specimen with good clean thick pure skin without spot or blemish.
No problem for this company as this is part of their specialty that they take pride in. All slave diets are specially prepared for each creature's needs containing minerals, vitamins, and, if need be, drugs or hormones. The bulk of their commodities they get from the Zelamir Pureos Slave Training Academy Breeding Farm. You probably know the farm specializes in selective breeding to produce the finest result for the market requirements. All customized modifications come from the clinic of Professor Istari at that excellent institution. Both these great men, together with the Green Frog have often been to these business premises.
On this the three of us were agreed. However, I fancied a child with narrow face, jet black hair, clear blue eyes. Skin to be as white as milk and with a pasty face. Not very big. Not very tall. Not well built as regards big muscles nor skeletal frame. Say about ten years of age. A few freckles over the bridge of the nose would be acceptable. It must be fully broken in; submissive, subdued, cowed, and obedient. To be quite used to sucking, licking and kissing: both in giving and receiving. Also to know how to grovel and pay homage to its master. If not already done, Professor Istari would have to castrate it. The slave must not be marred with any tattoos, branding, or body piercing.
"Oh NO!" Snapped Christiaan. "No, the boy must have red or ginger hair, green eyes, round face, and nice distribution of freckles over the body. The promise of a good strong body in embryo. Broad chest, with just a hint of the developing Pectoralis Major, Deltoid and Biceps muscles. No the Scrotum and Testis must be fully intact and not damaged. These jewels must not be harmed in any way. Oh, the joy of fondling and stroking and massaging the enlarged penis! A thrill second to none. Not possible to forfeit that for one of your fads. Plus, also, we want it to have a bit of spirit and fight in it. Have it branded on its thighs with our initials, and across its face the words, slave for life. Some ornamental body piercing but no tattoos. Big, but flat nipples are best."
"What!" exclaimed Franco? "We want an adorable gorgeous blond boy with long wavy, curly hair. Granted if it is short now, we can wait for it to grow. Hazel brown eyes are best. No, we don't want any of that sickly white skin. White with just a hint of some kind or type of colour. Need to have nice tight firm buttocks. Long THIN legs, but be able to define the Gluteal and Gastrocnemius muscles. Small nipples that stand proud and flat abdomen are most desirable, I am sure you will agree. No doubt we could get Professor Istari to extract all teeth, irrevocably destroy the ear drums, and successfully remove the vocal chords? Have the thing decorated with tattoos, but no branding or body piercing."
With such sweet harmony and unanimity we finished breakfast and went to the outbuildings to prepare our transport for this exciting outing. As we entered, our pony boy slave saw us. He immediately fell to his knees, nose on the ground with arms fully stretched out on the ground in front of him. Thus he paid us homage and full respect acknowledging his servitude and submission to our total authority over him. A strong, well developed, powerful youth. His name: Ignatius. One could easily be afraid of him. However he always seems to be meek and mild and gentle. Professor Istari said he would be when he castrated him at a very early age. That was when we bought him as a very little lad from Zelamir Pureos. At that time it was a play thing, a toy, for Green Frog. Little one must have been so very grateful to get away from the modified boy who had been transformed into a frog by the professor.
Christiaan went to the store room to mix the meal for the slave pony to eat. He was soon back and poured it into the animal's feeding trough. It was not a small one that would keep it in a cramped condition. The thing could stand upright in it. Also could fully stretch itself out on the floor. The cage was welded solid steel bars interwoven. From when we first bought it as a very small lad, the creature spent all its time in there when not in use. To him, this cage in the corner of the barn was his personal private home. He knew nothing else. That was the slave's life and from, what we could ascertain, it was quite content with it.
How do we know you ask? Franco opened the cage door to let the creature out of its cage. He stepped in and gave the slave a slap across its buttocks with his hand, then immediately stepped back out again. As a safety precaution I stood near at hand armed with a stun gun and whip. For good effect I cracked the whip a few times. Believe it or not, we have never, ever used, whip, cane, strap or stun gun on Ignatius. We love him and he loves us with genuine affection.
The slave boy rose to his feet and immediately embraced Franco and kissed him enthusiastically. Franco reciprocated the warmth of trust and friendship. Next it was Christian's turn, then mine. This is the scene every morning and every evening. In his cage he has several big cuddly toys to play with. There are times when he is so overcome with emotion that tears roll down his cheeks during these times of loving. Yes, this often happens with eunuchs we know.
Christiaan pointed to the trough and looked sternly at the pony slave boy. He immediately dropped onto all fours and stuck his face in the feeding trough. Slurp, slurp, poor Ignatius went as he struggled to get the muck
3; sorry, food
3; into his mouth. He has to be fed slop as all his teeth have been removed, as also the end of his tongue was cut off when he was very little. The youth has never uttered a word in his life. As you probably know, if a child does not speak by the age of four years of age then it never will. By this age that part of the brain responsible for speaking has finished developing. You will probably know that feral children are excellent at making the same noises as the animals they grew up with? Same principle.
Eventually he finished. Then I cracked the whip a few times and pointed to the shower unit. He first sat on the toilet, urinated and defecated. He followed that by having a mouth wash and a good shower. While he did that, we enjoyed another coffee and worked out our plan of action for the day. Ignatius finished his ablutions and came and stood before us.
The sunlight coming through the window shone on his glorious, beautiful, perfect youthful body. His white glistening body shone against the darker interior of the barn. His barnacle breasted chest was so inviting. Every muscle in his arms moved so gently and enticingly. Not a single hair on his face, arms, legs or body. The only thing that had not developed was his poor sad looking penis, and the shriveled up lump of skin behind it that had once held his manhood before Professor Istari kindly emptied it out for him. I became overcome with passion and started to cuddle, caress and fondle; and run my fingers through his hair as I kissed him passionately on and in his mouth.
We own a short-bed four-wheeled cart that our slave pony boy Ignatius takes us about in. We motioned to him that he was required to put a small steel cage in the cart. We did manage to agree on this point. This would be the easiest and safest way to convey the new item of delectable pleasure. Put it into a small slave transporting cage that would restrict its every movement. The cage now fastened in position, Ignatius, without a word or gesture, took his place in the shafts and waited to be fastened in by me.
Before I got to him, he had put on his working shoes. Not only that, he had placed the hood on his head, correctly positioned, just waiting for me to fix it firmly in place. It was made especially for him, from thick heavy leather, like that used for shoes. The front divided at the bridge of the nose. It then went down each side of the nose to the Maxilla, the bone your top teeth grow from. From there around to and under the ears, back of the skull and top vertebrae of the neck. Thus the whole of the head is fully and completely encased in heavy leather, apart from the nose and mandible, or mouth. Sound proof padding on the inside of the hood covers the ears. Over the eyes there is a bulge, so as not to damage the eyes. In the bulge over the eyes there are apertures which are kept firmly and tightly closed when we are stationary. When we are in motion, we adjust the apertures to allow some light and vision to the creature. However we keep this very limited in order for the creature to be very aware of its dependence on us for everything, our rule and authority over him, and his total submission to us. He knows that he is a nonentity, just a common irrelevant slave, owned by us, and ruled by us.
Ignatius had also placed the bit/gag in his mouth ready for me to attach. Both pieces of head gear were tightly secured. The vehicle had short shafts, like those of a bier. The pony slave boy stood there quite quietly, placidly and peacefully as he was fitted in. A broad leather, padded belt fastened firmly but comfortably around the waist. This was linked with a short steel chain to the shafts at the boys' hips. A further strap came from the rear of the lad, down close fitting over his anal orifice and up to the front of the belt at his umbilical. This strap again was custom made; it had an opening for his pretty, dainty, shriveled little penis to hang out through. Thus should he want to urinate at any time, there was no problem.
Two steel wrist bands were fastened to his arms. From these, his hands were chained to the shafts. Thus when he pulled, the load and strain of the workload was taken both by those very strong arms of his as well as those powerful legs.
An ornamental collar was then fixed around his neck. It was, again, of heavy leather, bright pink in colour. Long sharp pointed spikes stood out from it. Four big steel rings stood out from this attachment. One ring in the front, one to the rear, and one either side. He was now complete and ready for the days work.
All three of us stroked him, smoothed him, kissed and caressed him as he stood so powerless, but freely submissive, ready for the day's work. Pony slave boy's eye openings were adjusted for him to have about quarter vision. Christiaan fixed the reins to the bit while Franco and I got into the cart. Christiaan took the reins, shook them, then gave Ignatius a slap on both upper arms; and we were off on our way to town.
Chapter two Bentley, Bence, Benson & Co. Ltd.
At last we arrived at our destination in good time with an uneventful journey. When we arrived at the slave traders, there was a lorry offloading commodities and items from the Zelamir Pueros Slave Training Academy. A fork lift truck was offloading heavy-duty steel cages, containing boys of various ages, sizes and colours. They held some, two, three and some even four lads in each cage. However, some walked in.
They were heavily guarded. These walkers were hooded and yoked together in pairs. Legs were shackled, and wrists cuffed behind their backs. The cages were filled with faces either terrified, or composed and resigned to their fate. We had to wait for the lorry to finish offloading before we could park and go inside.
Franco got out of the cart and closed the apertures over the eyes on the slave boy pony, thus plunging the slave into complete blackness. The lorry drove off, and Franco led the blind slave boy to the entrance of the dealers. The animal was then fastened by padlock and chain to the metal railings outside the premises. We left it in darkness, went to the main entrance, paid our entrance fee, and entered.
WOW! What a sight! The long entrance hall was decorated in white and gold. Large mirrors were along each wall. Between the mirrors were Corinthian pillars standing away from the walls into the corridor. In front of each column stood the most beautiful, adorable, angelic, gorgeous, delightful, desirable, delectable, lovely, choice naked slave boy. Each one had hands handcuffed behind his back. A short chain from the handcuffs attached the individual pleasure slave boy to a separate pillar. Each boy was of absolute perfect physique. Likewise, each boy was different from each other. Various colours and skin textures. There was a sex toy boy for every taste. Without exception, every exhibit was the absolute perfection of boyhood. Not one had the slightest spot or blemish or mark on his sublime body. Limbs, torsos, faces and heads all in perfect symmetry and proportion.
We were approached by a member of staff. These pleasure slave boys are the welcoming committee. Enjoy them to the full. They are available for you to kiss, cuddle and caress. The choice was beyond description. Spoiled for choice: it was confusing to the point of embarrassment. As we were lost as to where to look, and what slave boy to approach, one caught the eye of Christiaan. The boy had red or ginger hair, green eyes, round face, and nice distribution of freckles over the body. The promise of a good strong body in embryo was obvious. It had a broad chest, with just a hint of the developing Pectoralis Major, Deltoid and Biceps muscles. Scrotum and Testis were fully intact and not damaged. These jewels were not harmed in any way. "Oh, the joy of fondling and stroking and massaging the enlarged penis! A thrill second to none," said Christiaan, as he set about his objective.
Christiaan ran the fingers of his right hand through the animal's mass of curls and waves of its shoulder-length hair. The youth being shorter than Christiaan, tilted his head back and opened his mouth ready for a kiss or insertion of a tongue. Perhaps even fingers or some foreign object. No, practically impossible, or impractical for a penis. Christiaan cleared his throat: coughed up a load of phlegm into his mouth, and then spat it into the slave boys' open mouth. Without batting an eyelid, the creature immediately swallowed it down, gave a lovely warm appreciative smile and said, "Thank you very much Sir!"
"Do you have a name scum?" Asked Christiaan.
"No," replied the lad, "I am a home-born slave Sir. My Master said, 'What is the point of giving such a useless worthless wretch a name?'"
"Your body decorations please me." Commented Christiaan.
All expression left the lad's face. Christiaan was still playing and toying with the lad's hair with his right hand, but the left hand started to roam and explore the boys' body and decorations. The restrained arms started to pull on the chain as the anticipation and expectation of cruelty and pain filled the mind of the miserable wretch. The two mouths connected and tongues intertwined.
The left hand glided softly across the smooth skin as it sought a ring in a nipple. On finding it, twisted and turned it. The right hand left the head and gently moved across the torso to find the ring in the other breast. The finger and thumb eventually arrived at their intended destination and then set to work in afflicting more pain. The sexual pleasure slave now had an erection himself.
Christiaan took hold of the engorged organ, fondling and tickling. Then he took hold of the ring in the boys' nose and started to pull and push that with one hand to cause as much discomfort as possible. The other hand systematically pumped the boys' penis. There was a deep gasping and a sigh as the ejaculation shot across the hallway, splattering on the carpet. Breathing deeply, the youth opened his eyes and said, "Oh Sir, I sincerely thank you very much indeed. It has been ages since I was relieved of my spermatozoa. Thank you, thank you."
Franco and myself then amused ourselves with our own delectable, splendid little sex toys. We were both fully engrossed, when Christiaan came to us. "What about Ignatius?" He exclaimed.
I confess this made me angry. I turned on him nastily. "What about the animal, it's chained isn't it?"
"I think it should be given food and drink and allowed to sit down!"
"Huh! Just because you have finished playing and enjoying yourself, you want to interrupt us now?"
Franco interjected to save the situation. "OK Christiaan, I will come out with you."
They departed from the Hall of Welcome, while I continued to enjoy myself in this exotic erotic paradise of boys. Time after time, as each boy was approached, he made his mouth ready for moist lips to come into contact with his and for tongues to interact and exchange body fluids. The skin of each boy glowed and shimmered and shone with good health. While I was enjoying this seventh heaven, Franco and Christiaan were outside.
They groused because I had shown no interest or concern for our pony slave boy, Ignatius. Franco unchained the youth from the railings and cart. Ignatius had the bridle and bit removed. Also his ornamental collar, chain and reins were all securely locked away in the back of the cart. The leather hood was still securely covering the head. The slave boy was seated in the back comfortably and given food and drink. Christiaan however was not satisfied. "We can't leave him here like this. It may get stolen or perhaps someone will be spiteful or cruel to the creature! The animal will have to come inside with us." After much deliberation that is what happened. They did not have to pay an entrance fee, because it was not classed as a human being. Some customers brought their dogs in, so why not this beast of burden? Franco and Christiaan were on either side of the pony slave boy, holding one hand each.
Chapter Three Sales Department
The four of us continued to the end of the hall. There in the centre of the hall exit was a small raised platform, or strong ornate table. On the further side, away from us, was a railing, like a low goal post, comfortable to lean against. There, standing on the platform with his back to us, was a slave boy for sale aged about eleven or twelve. The lad was just entering puberty. His two hands were on the cross bar. His clothing was black and white trainers, black ankle socks; very short shiny leather shorts, like those worn in Germany and Austria. Also, the youth was wearing a tee shirt with very short sleeves, black in colour. The remainder of the garment was thick white and navy blue stripes. Beautiful, interesting stance: the upper body slightly turned as the slave looked at us over his left shoulder with a somber expression.
Golden sun-tanned skinned face, arms and legs. His hair bleached fair by the sun came to his eyebrows and collar length at the back. Incredible hazel brown eyes watched us from an oval face that defies description of beauty and glory. The arms soft and puffy because of the developing youthful muscles. Strong sturdy legs were to be seen. The left leg stiff straight and solid with taught muscles. The right leg relaxed and gently curled round in front of the leg supporting the boys' weight.
The three of us were instantly overcome by this splendid specimen of perfection. Our eyes were transfixed by his thighs. Before we knew what was happening our hands were slowly and softly sliding and slithering over the creatures' legs. We had succumbed to the temptation of this animal's natural enticement. We licked and kissed, slurped and slobbered over these lower limbs.
A dealer came over to us, "Gentlemen, you obviously are not oblivious of the delightful detectability of this specimen. It could easily be put to some form of hard labour or industry. Equally you could use it as a houseboy or simply something decorative about the place? To you, it is yours for five hundred thousand Roubles?"
"No," said Christiaan pensively. "We already have a beast of burden to haul and do all our heavy manual labour. Plus he is very beautiful, passive, subservient, and delights to please his masters willingly."
"Yes, I can see all those excellent qualities are right and true. I note there is not one single mark of whip or cane upon its hide. No, not even a trace of a bruise or scratch. No, nor spot nor blemish."
The dealer started to manhandle and inspect Ignatius. Franco, immediately took umbrage and interjected. "Get your hands off my property and leave it alone!"
The dealer calmly and quietly stepped back; then politely and gently replied, "I can give you one million Roubles for it, plus three slave boys of your choice. One lad for each of you! Can't be no fairer than that."
I replied, "One million, plus our selection of one of these delectable commodities of our choice? Not bad!"
Franco was incensed and became aggressive. He clenched his fists and glared fiercely at me bearing his teeth. He spat and frothed. I was expecting a bunch of fives
3; punch in the mouth. Mercifully Christiaan was there to save the day. "Calm down Franco, no one is suggesting we trade in, or sell, our beloved Ignatius." Christiaan gave me a glance of daggers and shook his head with a frown which Franco did not see.
Just as well! By now Franco was in a right state. Shaking with rage and eyes staring like a trapped wild animal, he pointed at me with an outstretched arm and shouted, "He would, he would, that rat-bag would have been only too pleased to have made a deal."
He then turned in his rage and ranted at the dealer. "My boy is NOT for sale, I'm taking him home with me. No one has him, no one touches him. Take one step towards him or touch and I will knock you down."
Christiaan stepped in between the two men. He took hold of Franco's clenched fists. "Franco, please calm down. If Ignatius is able to hear and understand all this he will be so distressed. We do not want to get ourselves thrown out before we have made our purchase. It has cost us enough to get in here. Let's hurry up and find a nice sweet little darling that we can use in the bedroom as a pleasure slave and get out. Remember it was your idea to come here. Also it was your idea that the new creature should be called Arno. We have already given in to you on those two points."
Christiaan turned to the dealer, "Please be so gracious as to accept my most sincere apology. May I respectfully suggest you leave us for a short time, while we take a look around and see the creatures you have to offer in the sales department?"
The dealer was professional and pleasant enough to accept the apology and move off. "Thank you, I will take my coffee break and come back later. Would you gents like coffee too?"
"No thanks, we will just look around," said Christiaan.
You could cut the atmosphere with a knife, but the four of us moved along the corridor and down the stairs into the main showroom and sales area. A wonderful display of a vast variety of commodities met our eyes.
There was both live stock and equipment exhibited. We all appreciated the identical twin boys yoked together. Very becoming and alluring. Thick heavy yoke of highly polished mahogany complete with brass fastenings and decorative work. No, not really practical if you were using the creatures for plowing: however, if you were using them to pull a dray, then yes, very picturesque. This yoke, as it was a display item, was secured to the wall with a long bar that went through the centre. Thus, these two lads were secured by their necks. No other attachments or attire was on their perfectly formed adorable sleek slender bodies.
A very happy little girl passed through with her mum and dad. She was so thrilled and excited by the present her parents had purchased for her. The family had come in a few weeks ago to buy her a bedroom slave. The slave would be responsible for keeping her well groomed: such as brushing her hair night and morning, bathing her, exciting her by licking her vagina, vestibule and clitoris. It would also be responsible for dressing her, doing all her laundry and keeping the bedroom clean and tidy. The animal would be kept locked in a steel cage in the corner of her bedroom when not in use. When she had the creature out of its cage it was to show its subservience and willing obedience and domination of its mistress by being on all fours, keeping its nose on the ground with buttocks raised high, but arms and hands stretched out in front as far as possible.
On the previous visit she had selected a real masculine athletic youth. His skin was bulging and bursting almost with tender young developing muscles. Her parents bought it for her. It was then sent immediately to the Zelamir Pureos Slave Training Academy for a crash course on how to do its work correctly and acceptably to the satisfaction of his new mistress, and conduct himself with the utmost correctness and decorum. Plus it was also sent to the clinic of Professor Istari who removed the testicles and amputated the penis. Now as a fully healed eunuch, it was returned for the little girl's amusement, fun, and slave.
She had come today with her parents to collect her new toy. She had brought a bag of pretty girlie clothes to dress up her new pet in: pink panties with lace, short yellow skirt, and bright green blouse plus a pretty necklace, frilly white ankle socks and ornamental brown sandals. Finished off with a bright red thick leather collar with studs, to which was attached a steal dog's lead by which she controlled it and pulled it about, where she wanted to take it. Didn't really go with strong masculine features and muscled legs! But she was happy.
Some unusual things were on sale there. Freaks: children, whose dams
3; mothers, but we are talking about stock raised on breeding farms
3;} who while carrying were deliberately given thalidomide. Some had no limbs at all or other abnormality. Not our taste, but there is a market for such items.
Other modified slaves had also just been returned and were ready to be collected by their owners or dispatched to the customers' addresses. Amputation of all digits on the hands, legs removed from just beneath the knee joint for boy-cats and boy-dogs. Ears cut into points. Some all teeth removed, eardrums pierced, vocal chords removed, testicles and/or penis amputated, tongues cut as to customers' specifications, rings inserted; Oh! A host of different things. No wonder Professor Istari is so well sought after and is respected around the world. Amazingly gifted and talented surgeon.
Various items of torture could be purchased. Obvious things, such as whips canes, handcuffs, shackles, collars, clamps, chains, muzzles, bits, thongs, branding irons, penis cages, thumb screws, yokes, steel cages of various sizes from large to keep the animal in, down to small ones for cramping and conveying. You name it, they sold it.
As we walked around, we saw some boys hanging by their wrists; others upside down hanging by their ankles. A very nice boy was standing on tip toe with hands secured behind his back. A strong ring was in the septum of his nose; to this was attached a chain that was fastened to a beam above his head. Thus he was suspended by his nose but was able to endure that as his weight was on his toes. It helped to keep those calf muscles in good shape. No idea how long he had to endure it. Another nice one was being fastened backwards over a barrel. Some were in a barrel with just their heads protruding through an opening in the lid. They had a very nice dining room table there. It had sections like a letter 'C' in strategic places, yet with a bar that was to be fixed across the opening of the 'C'. The idea of course being, you didn't feed your slave boy for a couple of days: then you fixed his neck into the 'C' and secured him there. His head now level with the table top, but all of his body under it. He can now watch you enjoy your meal while he is hungry. Plus, if you feel so disposed, you can use your fingers to feed him a few morsels, yes, even if it is only the gristly bits. Another slave lad was secured in a barrel with just his head out the top: this secured him nicely while his face and head was being tattooed. Across his for head were the words, "Pleasure slave at your service." On both his cheeks were the words, "Slave for life." Obviously his life would be spent in some rough low down brothel somewhere. It was only the run down, bad quality brothels that would have this cheap, common tattooing done on a slave.
We saw all manner and types of slave boys for sale: BUT, whatever one of us said, the other two disagreed. We agreed on three things. First, we could not agree on any boy. Second, we did need a pleasure slave boy for the bedroom. Thirdly, we would call it
. Franco was still a bit short tempered, I was irritable and Christiaan had had enough. The situation was not helped when Ignatius urinated over the floor. Franco slipped on it, and into it. I heard him curse and mumble something about "Should have sold it." No, neither Christiaan nor I laughed at his mishap, plus we did not comment on what he had mumbled and said.
Chapter Four Arno
The dealer came back to find out how we were getting on. He was cautious, tactful and diplomatic. Well of course he was, he was after our cash. We had already quietly and privately, carefully worked out how much money we had together if we pooled our resources. Twenty two thousand Roubles: not one Kopek more or less. There was absolutely nothing in our price range. Every single mortal slave was far and away above our means and out of our price range. It was no good, we would have to call it a day and go home empty handed.
We would get on far better and could pick up a real bargain down at the public slave auctions. Christiaan with all his politeness, pleasantness, charm and sweetness, said to the dealer. "Thank you very much indeed for your service and attention, but as we are not in any hurry to acquire a bedroom pleasure slave at the moment, we think we will leave it for now. Thank you."
Franco was in no mood for eyewash and niceties. He was still smarting from the suggestion of trading in Ignatius. "What we mean is, you are far too expensive and exclusive. We will get a far better deal at the auction. That's it, we're off!"
The dealer was a shrewd business-man and politician. "One minute please Sir," he courteously replied. "Down in the lower cells next to the dungeons we have a runt. To be honest it is a waste of space. We would not exhibit it to the general public as it would lower the tone of our establishment. Have a quick look at it. Tomorrow we anticipate it going to one of the amusement parks and being publicly fed to one of the carnivores. Fed alive of course, either to the crocodiles, wolves or boa constrictor."
We consented and followed on.
We went through into the dungeon, and departments, Goods Inward and Dispatch. The goods that we saw being offloaded when we arrived were now being unpacked, examined, inspected, checked, cataloged and put in their correct places. Eyes full of fear looked at us through the mesh of steel crates, or through narrow spaces in strong wooden boxes. We paused briefly to watch the process. We were pleased that Ignatius was still wearing his hood and was oblivious to this spectacle of mass human misery and degradation.
A container was opened near us. Inside three young lads were huddled together. One of the process workers put in his arm and grabbed a child by his hair and yanked him out. The door was closed as a safety precaution, not that there was the least possibility of any slave making a run for it and escaping. His limbs were grasped and taken hold of. Each limb was felt, pulled and twisted; yanked this way and that, to make sure it functioned properly. This young slave was photographed, and then every dimension was made and logged in the register. Diameter, length, colour, texture of each part of the lads' anatomy without exception was meticulously recorded. Next a steel collar was attached to the neck; arms twisted behind the back, with hands up to shoulder blades. Shackles were then attached to its ankles, a ball gag was fastened into the creature's mouth, and then it was led away for a medical examination, before being taken to its housing and feeding compound. There it would be cleaned, groomed, fed and watered and prepared for the sale room. There was a punishment room and training room, as well as sick bay here.
The next slave was hauled out of the container. A lad about thirteen years of age. Wow! What a specimen! What a spectacle! What a sight for sore eyes. The process workers obviously thought the same things. The slave was made to stand like a letter 'X'. Hands immediately had to start touching, groping, fondling, smoothing, stroking, poking and prodding. The buttocks were pulled apart and fingers entered the anal orifice. Hands gently squeezed the neck. The head was tilted back and mouth forced open. Most of the staff had an enjoyable kissing session with the creature. The animal's face looked wan, wearied, worried, exhausted and frightened.
The staff gathered around the unfortunate beast for further enjoyment and fun. One said, "Who has ever seen such clear blue eyes, blond hair and perfect physique? Let's run a book with a prize for the first one who is able to shag it a hundred times while it is in this store?"
The whole motley crew laughed, agreed, and shook hands on it. The spokesman continued, "Alright, every one lay one hundred Roubles to enter the contest, winner take all!" The first round commenced at once.
We then left them to their fun and followed on after the dealer. We could not help wondering what we were going to find. Was the story about a runt being fed to animals tomorrow true or just a ploy in order to get us to part with our cash? The dealer had no idea about how much money we had nor what our circumstances were. Eventually we arrived at a cell door that was duly unlocked for us and we were invited to enter. All five of us squeezed into the cramped conditions of the cell. A terrified little brat cowered at the back of the cell; as if he wanted to enter into the brick work itself to escape. The lad trembled with fear at the very sight of us. His whole frame shook with terror.
"Stand up!" bellowed the dealer who was at the rear of the group. Slowly and stealthily the sleek slender skeleton of a boy rose from the floor. Sad, sunken, sullen eyes looked at us from the skinny skull. There did not seem to be any flesh on his face, body, nor limbs. How painfully emaciated the poor slave looked. Once the poor thing had got to its feet, it then immediately took the correct posture of a subservient slave submission to its master, paying respect and homage
3; on its knees with buttocks raised high with nose on ground, with arms and hands stretched out as far as possible in front.
"Rise Scum," barked the dealer. The slave boy instantly rose to his feet. The slave lad pressed his back hard against the wall; likewise the palms of his hands.
Its lips quivered, and with faltering lips and tremulous tone blurted out, "Please Sirs! Please don't be cruel to me or hurt me. I will be a good obedient little slave boy, Sirs. Sirs, sorry I am not big, or strong. I know I am weak and weedy, Sirs. Please Sirs, I don't know what you are looking for in a slave boy. If it pleases you, Sirs, I would be a good pleasure slave boy in your bedroom. Please Sirs, my mother died during childbirth. From that day until I was brought here I slept every night in bed with my dad. We used to cuddle each other and play games and have fun in bed. Dad died last month, there was no one to look after me, so I was dumped in here by the authorities."
No, no one spoke a word, not even the dealer. Slaves are not allowed to speak like that, especially to prospective buyers. The slave child should have at least been rebuked by the dealer if not even thrashed. However, something most incredible and phenomenal happened.
The silence seemed like eternity. Ignatius became restless and began to gently push himself forward with his arms lifted forty degrees. We three looked at each other in silent amazement. Christiaan decided to take off the hood from the head of Ignatius. His posture froze like a statue as he blinked because of the light. He quickly glanced around at everyone and thing; yet his bodily posture with arms out and up a little remained the same. He gazed at the young orphaned slave with a weak wet smile. The youngster took a great leap at Ignatius, landing smack in the middle of his chest. His spindly legs wrapped around the strong body of the pony slave. The skinny arms were flung around the neck. Like a flash of lightening those powerful arms tightly embraced the miserable wretch. The young slave sobbed and cried aloud. We looked at the face of Ignatius: tears rolled down his cheeks. The two intertwined bodies rocked and rolled, caressed and cradled each other. We three were dumb struck. The dealer spoke roughly to us, "If you want the thing, and you want to help me out by getting rid of the rubbish, I will let you have the runt for what money we wasted in buying it in. Cheap to you Gents, cost price: twenty two thousand Roubles?"
With that came the lamenting voice, "If it please you Sirs, my name is: ARNO!"
The End